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Wouldn’t it be great if there was a 5-Hour Energy® drink to feed your creativity? But instead of five hours, it would last anywhere from five months to five years, maybe longer if you’re one of those overachievers. You’d swig it and…wham…brilliant ideas would start to flow. While we don’t have any liquid creativity to offer up, we do have a few things to say about the next best thing:

Swivel is a creative and digital marketing conference in Bend, Oregon that explores content marketing from every angle and teaches you to connect with your crowd in a way that feels good. Every brand has a story. Swivel shows you how to share yours with the world. We’ve put together a list of the top 10 things you’ll learn at this year’s event that will fill your inspiration tank and recharge your career battery.


Swivel Digital Marketing and Creative Conference Happens in Bend, Oregon during Tenth Month

Photo by Cody Rheault

1. Stories are everywhere

Matt Siltala from Avalaunch Media will talk about the pieces of content currently floating around your organization, right under your nose. (Nope, they’re probably not crouching behind Todd the Tech Guy’s sandwich in the break room fridge.) Learn how to mine stories from your everyday processes and create content that inspires people to want what you sell.

2. World building isn’t just for your eccentric 12-year-old nephew

Content marketing deliberately creates worlds around products or ideas. Your audience creates stories based on their experiences in your realm, but you design the map they use to navigate your world. Ian Lurie from Portent Inc. will unleash your inner Dungeon Master and discuss ways to build a world people want to be a part of.

3. Stop guessing. Start knowing.

Marcus Tober, founder and CTO of Searchmetrics, offers a front-row invitation to the “shotgun wedding of data and creativity.” His strategy is simple: know your audience, because guesswork is no longer an option. Learn how insights and data can help you understand the issues that matter to your crowd and deliver what they’re looking for.

4. Predict the future like a boss

In 2002, Brett Tabke of Pubcon Inc. pulled out his marketing crystal ball and wrote an article about how to grow a business online. (To refresh your memory: in 2002, it took 12.5 minutes to download one song and Friendster was the biggest social network.) “26 Steps to 15K a Day- A Modern Guide to Site Building and Content Marketing” became one of the most read articles in SEO history. Brett will give you an updated version of his 26 Steps and discuss the future of content marketing—two, three, even five years from now.

5. One plan to rule them all

If you don’t have a plan, content marketing can feel like a don’t-you-dare-breathe game of Jenga. It starts off easy and quickly morphs into an anxiety-riddled, Middle Earth-ish undertaking. Dennis Goedegebuure from Fanatics Inc. will help you wrap your head around the collective power of SEO, Social and PR. Learn how Dennis’ framework—the Content Brand Pyramid—can build brand awareness and drive online traffic to grow your business.

6. Make sense of All The Things

What matters to your crowd? What makes them unique? Discover how humans cluster in the real world and online (and how that affects your marketing efforts) during Marty Weintraub’s keynote address. He’ll help you deal with marketing overwhelm and make sense of the new, blended universe of search, social and organic marketing.

7. Words matter

Are you able to entice someone to give your brand a chance—just by typing, tweeting or texting? It used to be that you had seven seconds to make a first impression. Today, that number is even lower. Don’t push the panic button quite yet. Socialite’s Erin Gargan will teach you about digital persuasion and how the right words can influence prospects and customers.

8. Choose your own adventure

The second day of the Swivel conference includes four interactive workshops to give you a creative boost. Want to dive deep into psychographic targeting? Or tell your story with video? Need a creativity reboot? Or do you simply want to know how to win at digital marketing? Pull up a chair. The day is yours to explore.

9. Proof, meet pudding.

Swivel is the kind of conference that inspires you to wake up the next day, put on your best socks and make good things happen. Sure, your brain is busy soaking up copious amounts of information during the 2-day event. But it’s presented in a fun, interactive and interesting way that gives you the confidence and know-how to put amazing content out into the world. Take that, Jenga!

10. Yep… Bend beer is still dang delicious.

From the Sunday evening Meet & Greet to the Shake Up Networking Party on Monday to the Wind Down on Tuesday, craft beer will be flowing. Geek out over the good stuff while connecting, conversing and celebrating with other daring doers. October 9th and 10th can be just another random two days on your calendar. Or… they can be the two days that change everything for your brand. [cue the Jeopardy theme song]

Tickets to Swivel are on sale now. Enter LASTCHANCE during your online registration for $125 off the ticket price (good through Friday, October 6,2017).

The Bend Adventure Journal

The Latest Happenings in Bend