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The Seasons are Changing. The Farmer's Market is Open for Business.

Bend, Oregon Farmer's Market

The rain has stopped, the fruit trees are budding and there is a buzz in the air. Might it just be summer?  Signs of the changing season are all around us; the opening of Bend’s Farmer’s Market is one that is palatable to the eye and to the taste buds.

A summertime event folks, myself included, look forward to each week, the Bend Farmer’s Market is open Wednesdays (3-7 p.m). in the top Drake Park and  Fridays (2-6 p.m.) in the east parking lot of St. Charles Medical Center.

The downtown market is my preference. I conveniently forget my lunch on Wednesdays as I leave the house for work and am forced to forage around the market for my mid-day sustenance.   Cherries, berries, and stone fruits make for a great first course.  Greens and carrots from Fields Farms take care of the second and, if I am feeling extra ambitious, I stroll by the Sparrow Bakery booth for a delicious treat that I save for later in the afternoon.

The Bend Farmer’s Market is a place to reconnect with familiar faces, make local habit by supporting local and organic farmers, and to nourish the body with the most beautiful produce our fair city has to offer.

Be sure to forget your lunch next week and join me in a satisfying stroll around the market.

The Bend Adventure Journal

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