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Mt. Bachelor's Pond Skimming - Bend's Marquis Event

Mt Bachelor

The snowsports event Bend has been waiting (and training) for all year, the 8th Annual North American Pond Skimming Championships will be held on May 16th, at Mt. Bachelor’s West Village.

Click here to witness Mt. Bachelor Pond Skimming at its best!

The Pond Skim event is judged on three separate components, style, distance and appearance (i.e. costume). Contestants launch themselves, preferably in costume, onto the pond and ride their boards across the surface. If you don’t know how to swim, you had better wear a life jacket: the water is sure to be cold. Prizes for best costume and best skim will be awarded.

If you want to really push the limits, sign up for the extreme version of the Pond Skim, the Scramble. Only for the very brave, the Scramble is a clever name for an obstacle course through water. Read: You will be swimming through the pond!

Sponsored by Full Sail Brewing and featuring live music by Blowin’ Smoke, the 2010 Pond Skim is sure to be one of Bend’s most competitive and electrifying events. Cash awards and a chance to win a 2010-2011 Mt. Bachelor Season Pass will be up for grabs at this marquis event.

The small print:
Call 541.382.1709 to register.
Must be 18 years or older to participate.
$30 for one event, $40 for both.

The Bend Adventure Journal

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